Dato Yau Kok Seng Biography

Revolutionizing Maternal Education and Postpartum Services


As the demand for postpartum services surged in Malaysia, Dato Yau Kok Seng recognized the immense potential in providing exclusive postpartum care. In his quest to deliver unparalleled support to new mothers, Dato Yau Kok Seng sought the perfect partner to bring his vision to life. It was during this pursuit that Dato Yau Kok Seng discovered Esther ML Postpartum Homes, a venture that would redefine postpartum care in the country. Through a strategic investment and partnership, Esther ML Postpartum Homes was formed, opening doors to incredible opportunities.


During this journey, Dato Yau Kok Seng had the privilege of meeting Yang Gang and Liu Ying, the esteemed co-founders of Mamawang, China's largest maternal education platform with a staggering membership base of 110 million. In 2018, Dato Yau Kok Seng approached them with a proposition to replicate their success in Southeast Asia. Fascinated by Mamawang's operations, which boasted a team of nearly 600 employees and an annual turnover of USD 300 million, Dato Yau Kok Seng quickly assembled a team in Malaysia to collaborate on an exciting proposal for Mamawang.


In February 2019, Dato Yau Kok Seng had the honor of presenting a proposal to Yang Gang, Liu Ying, and their team. He outlined his vision of collaborating and establishing Mamawang's presence in Malaysia as the gateway to Southeast Asia. Delighted by the idea, both co-founders agreed to the partnership, leading to the formation of Mama Net Sdn Bhd, the Malaysian company, in March 2019.


From that moment on, our dedicated local team embarked on several trips to Mamawang's headquarters in Guangzhou, China. Together, we brainstormed business strategies, devised marketing activities, crafted membership rewards through the application, developed the platform, and explored member acquisition methods. Led by a seasoned technologist well-versed in solution and system architecture, our team worked tirelessly day and night to ensure the successful release of the Mamawang app in Malaysia on August 18, 2019.


Mama Net's APP, developed with passion and a commitment to excellence, is more than just a content platform. It serves as a comprehensive guide for aspiring and expecting mothers, empowering them to navigate their fertility, maternal health, and childcare journey with confidence. We envision Mama Net as a trusted companion, supporting and educating mothers throughout their precious moments.


Looking ahead, Dato Yau Kok Seng foresee immense potential for Mama Net to become the leading maternal education platform in the region. The journey has only just begun, and Dato Yau Kok Seng is excited about the range of services that will be establish in the years to come. Mama Net will continue to evolve, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of innovation and deliver unparalleled support to mothers across Southeast Asia.


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